Deal Details
Prepaid Deals

SMS Weekly




7 Days

  • Activation: Dial  *247# reply by 5,2,1 Activation: Dial *247# reply by 5,2,1
  • Deactivation: Dial *247# reply by 5,5 Deactivation: Dial *247# reply by 5,5

Plan details

Bundle  Charges # of SMS Validity Remaining SMS Activation  De – Activation 
Weekly AFA 35 5000 7 Day *247# reply by 5,4 *247# reply by 5,2,1 *247# reply by 5,5

MTN SMS Bundles Business & Operational Rules:

  • Customer can subscribe MTN SMS Bundles multiple times.
  • Multiple subscription allows SMS quota to be accumulated and restore the validity up to the maximum expiry period of the respective bundle.
  • Cross subscription is allowed it means customer can subscribe other SMS bundles in sequence.
  • Up on expiry the remaining SMS will be confiscated.