

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Hourly data bundle 1200MB AFA 15 Hourly data bundle 1200MB AFA 15

How to activate & de-active hourly bundles?

Activation: For activating hourly bundle send keyword 61 to 344 or dial *344*61#

De-activation: For deactivation send D to 344

Enquiry: send 7 to 344 or dial *344*7# or dial *344# reply 7

Eligibility: This offer is ATL or it’s for mass market.

Renewal: Hourly data bundle is only One-time activation.

Daily data bundle 140MB AFA 15 Daily data bundle 140MB AFA 15

How to activate & de-activate Daily 140MB bundle?

Activation: For activating daily bundle send the keyword 12 to 344 or dial *344*12#

De-activation: For deactivation send D to 344

Enquiry: Send 7 to 344 or dial *344*7# or dial *344# reply 7

Renewal: This bundle is upon customer request (during subscription customer will receive flash authentication notification “1. With auto renewal 2. One-time activation”

Weekly data bundle 830MB AFA 89 Weekly data bundle 830MB AFA 89

How to activate & de-activate weekly 830MB bundle?

Activation: For activating daily bundle send keyword 22 to 344 or dial *344*22#.

De-activation: For deactivation send D to 344.

Enquiry: Send 7 to 344 or dial *344*7# and or *344# reply 7.

Eligibility: This offer is ATL or it’s for mass market.

Renewal: This bundle is upon customer request (during subscription customer will receive flash authentication notification “1. With auto renewal 2. One-time activation”.

Monthly data bundles Monthly data bundles

How to activate & de-activate monthly bundles?


Quota Price Validation Activision
1GB  AFA 110 30 Day *344*30#
2GB AFA 220 30 Day *344*31#
3GB AFA 330 30 Day *344*52#
4GB AFA 440 30 Day *344*32#
5GB AFA 499 30 Day *344*53#
8GB AFA 725 30 Day *344*33#
15GB AFA 1399 30 Day *344*34#
30GB AFA 2699 30 Day *344*36#

De-activation: For all monthly bundles’ deactivation send D to 344.

Enquiry: send 7 to 344 or dial *344*7# or dial *344# reply 7.

Eligibility: This offer is ATL or it’s for mass market.

Renewal: This bundle is upon customer request (during subscription customer will receive flash authentication notification “1. With auto renewal 2. One-time activation”.


Social data bundles Social data bundles

How to activate & de-active social bundles?

Activation: For activating daily social bundle send keyword 511 to 344, weekly 512 to 344 and for monthly 513 to 344.

De-activation: For deactivation send D to 344.

Enquiry: Send 7 to 344 or dial *344*7# or dial *344# reply 7.

Eligibility: This offer is ATL or it’s for mass market.

Renewal: This bundle is upon customer request (during subscription customer will receive flash authentication notification “1. With auto renewal 2. One-time activation”.

nightly data bundles nightly data bundles

How to activate & de-active nightly bundles?

Activation: For activating daily nightly bundle send the keyword 41 to 344 or dial *344*41# and for Monthly nightly bundle send the keyword 42 to 344 or dial *344*42# and for Monthly nightly bundle send.

De-activation: For both daily and nightly bundles’ deactivation send D to 344

Enquiry: send 7 to 344 or dial *344*7# or dial *344# reply 7

Eligibility: This offer is ATL or it’s for mass market.

Renewal: This bundle is upon customer request (during subscription customer will receive flash authentication notification “1. With auto renewal 2. One-time activation”.