MTN Afghanistan Inaugurates a Youth Capacity Building Center with a Ceremony Inside Deputy Ministry of Youth for 21 Days of Y’ello Care Campaign
02 February 2020
The mentioned center decorated and consists of 10 new and all armed computer, 40 chairs and one standard and modern projector
Inauguration of this center is the first step of the 21 day of Y’ello Care Campaign. As 21 Days of Y’ello Care Campaign consist of three stage the first stage is specialized to inauguration of youth Capacity building center.
In the second level the campaign is to establish an educational center for youth to improve their capacity, MTN Afghanistan also plans to set a computer lab in Herat for this province’s youth and their capacity building.
In the last and the third stage youth and undergraduates are invited to MTN Afghanistan main branch in order to see technical features, take part in introduction of financial and technical processes of MTN AFGHANISTAN as well as to have a look at software and hardware features of MTN AFGHANISTAN and to have meeting with MTN Afghanistan daily work schedules.
- Hidayatullah Zahid General Manager of MTN Afghanistan Corporate Affairs in his negotiation about this center said” MTN Afghanistan is ever trying to build capacity of our beloved country Afghanistan’s youth because youth are the backbone of our nation and thy are the leaders of our future generation, so MTN Afghanistan tries every time to establish programs which are about building capacity of our youths, he added my expectation from our beloved youth is to have the highest level of use from the capacity building which is about to inaugurate today and rich their experience and information in deferent fields in order to be the actual handmaiden of their braved compatriot .
- Zahid also added “I am about to share you a hopeful news too, that beside inauguration of this center in Deputy ministry of youth through 21 Days of Y’ello Care Campaign MTN Afghanistan plans to establish a modern and appointed computer lab in Herat with coordination of government junior figures in order to make higher level of education and experience of youth in this province initial affairs seems to have been finished our agent is to have trip to Herat in order to finish the finalizing the work.
- Kamal Sadat Deputy Minister of Youths and Ministry of Culture and Information said” first of all I thank you all form coming participating in this ceremony, however of having more duties to do specializing your time for participation, secondly I in delegation of Deputy Ministry of youth I thank you MTN Afghanistan for inauguration of capacity building center for Afghan youth, definitely I can say that MTN Afghanistan is not only a telecommunication company, But also it is an organ that has special care to welfare of Afghan society and today we are witness of its services” he added.