Product Definition
No scratching, No PIN feeding!!
Me2U is an SMS based credit transfer service that allows transfer of credit from one mobile account to another mobile account.
You can transfer a minimum air time credit of 10Afs & maximum 100 Afs in one attempt or transfer transaction. Maximum limit of 2 transactions in 24 hours is applicable.
Benefits of Product
- It is Affordable
- It promotes the spirit of sharing
- It is flexible i.e. customers can send any amount of air time.
Features and UsageTo transfer credit: Type TR < credit amount >< phone number > without 0 and send it to 776 e.g. TR 50 772221344 and send to 776
For USSD procedure: *776*2*50*76XXXXXXX#
Denominations and Validity
- No denominations but minimum limit is 10Af. Maximum limit is 50Af.
10 to 100 700 days validity
2AFs will be deducted from your account on successful transaction. For more information dial 779 or call 0772222779